January 21, 2013

  • Unexpected start to the day

    This weekend was super busy. Fun, but busy. This left the kids very exhausted come this morning. Once they were up and rambling about, Tomo informs me that his leg is bothering him. Upon looking at his shin area of his leg, he had a blister about the size of my pinky finger. It looked red all around,and it was not hot and not itchy but painful. I asked him a whole litany of questions trying to figure out where this came from. Conclusion…we don’t know. Not being too sure what we were dealing with, I was leaning towards running him to the doctor. We finished getting ready for the day, and I checked his leg again. Still not hot, still painful, and it had grown to the size of my thumb. Yes, run him to be safe. Corey took him in, and then used the time afterwards to spend some special one and one time with him. The doctor drained the blister and sent him off with anti-biotic cream and oral anti-biotics as well. Still not 100% sure what that was all about, but we are going to keep an eye on it for a few days.
    For dinner, we had Stone Soup. Skyler gathered the stone for the soup. I make Stone Soup about once a year and either Corey or I retell the tale of Stone Soup to the kids. It makes for quite a discussion, and I really enjoy moments like these where we all share in a nice pleasant dinner conversation that does not involve ranking the dwarves from the Hobbit in order of who we like best on a daily basis. Yes, that gets really old. Literary of a topic as it is, it gets old.
    Not a bad day, just a little odd in some spots.

Comments (4)

  • We did stone soup for an outreach event 2 years ago.  It was so much fun!!  I want to do it again, but the event is much better at our house than at ECS, so it will have to wait until Joshy is better. 

  • Poor Tomo, I hope that’s better soon. 
    So, I want to try the soup, so do you put the ingredients in as you tell the story?  Then take a break while it’s cooking? 

  • @ILoveObento – So nice to hear from you! I usually tell my kids that I am going to make stone soup and then have then collect a non porous stone for me. This usually seems to end with lots of questions about porous and non porous. If they are not busy, then I have them help with getting the vegetables cut up, and perhaps as they grow older I may require more of them. However, at the moment, I prepare the soup, then when we sit down either my husband or I read/retell the store. I would really need to get a copy of the book because I do not actually own it. I have been reading the store from the internet to them. Usually one of the kids ask about the stone and why it was put in the soup. “Is it stone flavored soup?” Amazingly, I can get my non soup eating kid to get so engrossed in conversation about stone soup that he eats it all. An interesting spin this year was when my oldest if he could have the stone out of the soup pot. He was very intrigued about how the rock retained the warmth for so long.

  • That sounds so fun on many levels. I’ll try it soon. I think the 3 teens will enjoy it because there’s a little guy to enjoy it with. I’ll let you know how it turns out. Thanks for the idea! 

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